Post-graduate Students (66)
Heather Chick
2014-15 (2015)
Antimicrobial activity of Garlic vs. V. fischeri, S. Typhimurium, Burkholderia (KESS studentship)
with Colin Berry (BIOSI, Cardiff University) & Neem Biotech Ltd
Rhodri Williams
2013-14 (2014)
Antimicrobial activity of Garlic vs. MRSA (Clostridium difficile) (KESS studentship
with Martin Day (BIOSI, Cardiff University) & Neem Biotech Ltd
Catrin F Williams
Growth, Metabolism, Biochemistry and Chemotherapy of Spironucleus vortens (EPSRC Studentship)
with Dr David Williams (Neem Biotech Ltd) with Jo Cable (BIOSI, Cardiff University)
Jon Wood
Effects of garlic on MRSA
with Sue Plummer (Cultech Port Talbot)
Coralie Millet
Growth, metabolism, ultrastructure and chemotherapy of Spironucleus vortens (Morgan Parasitology PG Studentship)
with Jo Cable (BIOSI, Cardiff University)
Stephanie Scheerer
Microbial biodeterioration of outdoor stone monuments: Assessment methods and control strategies
with Colin Gibson (UWCM) and Cymtox (Cardiff University)
Kristina Harris
Determining the role of polyamine metabolism in two human pathogenic protozoa : Trichomonas vaginalis and Giardia intestinalis (Boehringer Ingelheim Fond and Bateman Trust)
with Burt Goldberg (New York University)
Victoria Gray
Growth of Salmonella enterica on diverse media
with I.D. Watkins Merck Chemicals Ltd. (Newport; UK) and Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany)
Katey Lemar
Cell death in the human pathogen Candida albicans: effects of garlic (Allium sativum), and garlic constituents allyl alcohol and diallyl disulphide
with Sue Plummer (Cultech Baglan, Port Talbot)
David Pooley
Biological effects of millimeter-wave radiation perturbation of Photobacterium in continuous culture
with Brian N Ellison (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford University)
Simon Cottrell
1999-2002 (2003)
Garlic as antibacterial (Cultech)
with Carsten Muller (BIOSI, Cardiff University and Sue Plummer (Cultech Baglan, Port Talbot)
Samuel Sheppard
1999-2002 (2002)
Sludge amendment of soil (NERC)
with Stuart Davies (BIOSI, Cardiff University)
Rosemary Fiera
Apoptosis and mitochondria (Tenovus)
with Ivor D. Bowen (Cardiff University)
Neil Turner
Acanthamoeba infections
with A. Denver Russell (Pharmacy, Cardiff University)
Eshanta Salgardo
Fusel oils and oscillations in yeast cultures (Allied Brewers, Burton on Trent)
with J.R. Dickinson (Cardiff University) and Allied Brewers (Burton on Trent)
Janine Harris
Garlic and Giardia (Cultech)
with Sue Plummer (Cultec, Baglan, Port Talbot)
Paul Allen
Giardia encystation (Thames Water)
Zoe Matheson
Giardia in Water Supplies (Thames Water)
Ceri Arthurs
1996-1999 (2000)
Cider lactobaccili
with Basil Jarvis (Bulmers)
Janine Morgan
Erythromycin fermentation
with R.T. Rowlands (Panlabs Taiwan) and I.H. Gilbert (Dundee University)
Jonathan Tammam
Lactobacilli in Cheese
with Alan G. Williams (Hannah Institute, Ayr)
Angela Berry
Peat bog methanogeneis (NERC)
with Stuart Davies (Cardiff University)
Burt Goldberg
1995-1998 (1998)
Trypanosome metabolism
with Nigel Yarlett (PACE University, NY, External)
Sarah White
Cider lactobaccili (MAFF)
with Basil Jarvis (Bulmers, Hereford)
George Cowie
1995-1998 (1999)
Gases in sediments (NERC)
Giancarlo Biagini
1994-1997 (1998)
Anaerobic protozoa free living in sediments (NERC)
with Bland Finlay (NERC)
Marc Suller
1994-1997 (1998)
Flow cytometric, detecting antibiotic resistance (Welsh Office)
with J. Marshall Stark (Medical Microbiology, UWCM)
Joy Khunkitti
1993-1996 (1996)
Acanthamoeba biocides (Thai Government)
with Y. Aoki (Khon Kaen University, Thailand) and A. Denver Russell (Pharmacy, Cardiff University)
Duncan Edlin
1993-1996 (1997)
Flavours and Fragrances: production using yeasts and filamentous fungi (AFRC)
with Arjan Narbad (ARC Food Institute, Norwich) and JR Dickinson (Cardiff University)
Ian Williams
1993-1996 (1996)
Plasmid loss in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus (SERC-CASE, SmithKline Beecham)
with WA Venables (Cardiff University) Frank Paul, Ian Critchley and Robert Jepras (Beechams SKB)
Gwenda Dinsdale
1991-1992 (1995)
Yeast plasma membrane physiology and cider fermentation (SERC-CASE, Bulmers)
with Basil Jarvis (Bulmers, Hereford)
Fred Kippert
1990-1991 (1992)
Ultradian Cycles in Yeast (Self-financing)
Elizabeth Rees
1990-1993 (1995)
Metabolism of rumen chytidomyces (SERC-CASE, Hannah Institute)
with Alan G. Williams (Hannah Institute, Ayr)
David Mason
1990-1993 (1995)
Detection of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria (Welsh Office)
with M. Stark (Medical Microbiology, UWCM) and R. Allman
Michelle Humphreys
1990-1993 (1994)
Metabolic Studies on Trichonomas vaginalis (SERC)
with R. Allman
Katie Thomas
1989-1992 (1993)
Mass spectrometric monitoring of gases in sediments (NERC)
with Kelvin L. Davies
Sarah Finney
1988-1991 (1992)
Biochemistry of Nematodes (SERC-CASE, Pfizer)
with Ken (Pfizer, Kent)
Julie Benstead
1987-1990 (1991)
Methanogenic cocultures: in species Ha transfer (SERC-IFR, Norwich)
with David B. Archer (Pfizer, Kent)
Jayne Ellis
1987-1990 (1990)
Metabolism of Rumen Ciliate Protozoa (SERC-Hannah)
with Alan G. Williams (Hannah Institute, Ayr)
Chandra Gopal
1985-1989 (1990)
Expressed recombinant genes and yeast energy metabolism (SERC-CASE, Celltech)
with D. Broad (Celltech, Slough)
Helen Jenkins
1984-1987 (1988)
Circadian and Ultradian Rhythms in Chlamydomonas and Euglena (SERC)
with Alan J. Griffiths (Cardiff University) and J Woody Hastings. (Harvard, USA)
Richard Allman
1984-1987 (1988)
Flow Cytometric analyses of bacteria (SERC-CASE, MOD, Porton)
with A.P. Phillips (MOD Porton Down)
Kathryn J.P. Davies
1984-1987 (1987)
Denitrification (NERC)
with Lynne Boddy (Cardiff University) and W. Jack Payne (University of Georgia Athens, Georgia USA)
Eid Khalil
1985-1987 (1987)
Studies on Anaerobic Digestion (Egyptian Government)
with David E Hughes and Tim Whitmore (Cardiff University)
Timothy A. Paget
1983-1987 (1986)
Electron Transport in mitochondria of parasitic helminths (SERC-CASE, Wellcome)
with Mitchel Fry
Alan Chapman
1982-1985 (1987)
Studies on the Biochemistry of Trichomonas vaginalis (SERC-CASE Wellcome)
with David Linstead
Haifai Al' Obaidy
1982-1985 (1986)
Host defence mechanisms in CAPD: a laboratory and clinical investigation (Self-supported)
with Malcolm Davies (Renal Medicine, UWCM)
Kevin Hillman
1982-1985 (1987)
Studies on Rumen Ciliate Protozoa (SERC-CASE Hannah Institute)
with Alan G. Williams (Hannah Institute, Ayr)
David J. Hill
1981-1984 (1985)
Regulation of enzyme levels in Candida species (Cardiff University Studentship)
Richard O. Jenkins
1980-1983 (1984)
An investigation into the role of subcellular organelles in various species of yeasts (CNAA, Trent Polytechnic)
with Trevor G. Cartledge (Trent University, Nottingham)
Pershing Abdul
1982-1985 (1984)
Studies on Anaerobic Digestion (Iraqi Government)
with David E Hughes (Cardiff University)
Nigel Yarlett
1979-1982 (1982)
Metabolism of Dasytricha ruminantium, a rumen ciliate (SERC-CASE Hannah Institute) with Alan G. Williams (Hannah Institute, Ayr)
David Wales
1977-1980 (1980)
Aspects of the Biochemistry of the Facultative Anaerobe Saccharomyces carlsbergensis (CNAA, Trent Polytechnic)
with Trevor G. Cartledge (Trent University, Nottingham)
Mark Unitt
1976-1979 (1980)
Energy Metabolism in Tetrahymena pyriformis Strain ST (SRC)
Zahra Toma
1976-1979 (1980)
Mechanisms of enzyme instability in yeasts (Iraqi Government)
Steven W. Edwards
1975-1978 (1978)
The Physiology of Growth of Acanthamoeba castellanii (MRC)
with Alan J. Griffiths (Cardiff University)
Ghassan El' Khayat
1976-1979 (1980)
Changes in Energy Conservation Systems During Growth and Starvation of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Syrian Government)
Carol Phillips
1972-1975 (1976)
The Cell Cycle of Tetrahymena pyriformis Strain ST (Cardiff University)
Merril Hammil
1972-1975 (1976)
Studies of the Mitochondrial genome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Cardiff University)
Jalil Kader
1972-1975 (1978)
Studies on synchronous cultures of Candida utilis (Malaysian Government)
Clive Edwards
1971-1974 (1978)
Crithidia fasciculata (SRC)
Robert K. Poole
1970-1973 (1973)
Structure and Function of the Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (SRC)
Trevor G. Cartledge
1969-1972 (1972)
Structure and Function of the yeast Saccharomyces carlsbergensis (MRC)
Rosemary Cooper
1968-1971 (1971)
Structure and Function of the yeast Saccharomyces carlsbergensis (MRC)
Geoffrey Turner
1967-1970 (1970)
The mitochondria of Tetrahymena pyriformis (MRC)
David A. Evans
1965-1969 (1969)
Structure and Function in the colourless alga Polytomella caeca (MRC)
with David E Hughes (Cardiff University)