2015 - present Collaboration with US National Institute of Health on Aging, Baltimore, USA
2008 - present Honorary Professor (Cardiff University)
2008 - 2017 H.C. Andersen Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, (University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark)
2001 - present Collaboration with Department of Molecular Cardiobiology, Johns Hopkins Medical University, Baltimore, USA
1978 - 2008 Professor of Microbiology (Cardiff University)
2001 - 2009 (six 1 week visits) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, Department of Molecular Cardiobiology
1999 (6 months) University of New South Wales, Australia, Department of Biochemistry
1998 - 2009 (4 visits) AIST, Tsukuba City and Keio University, Japan
1998 (3 months) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, Department of Molecular Biology
1997 (3 months) University of New South Wales, Australia, Department of Biochemistry
1990 (4 months) Odense University (U.S. Denmark), Department of Biochemistry
1986 (2 months) Harvard University, Biolabs, USA
1985 (2 months) ATOMKI Debrecen, Hungary
1984 (1 month) INRA Bordeaux, France
1982 - 1987 Head of the Microbiology Department, University College Cardiff, University of Wales
1978 Personal Chair (University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire)
1976 - 1978 Reader (University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire)
1977 Guest Scientist (2 months) Rockefeller University, New York, USA
1976 Senior Lecturer (University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire)
1972 DSc (Sheffield)
1969 - 1976 Lecturer (University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire)
1968 - 1979 (4 visits Wellcome, Leverhulme & RS) University of Pennsylvania, USA
1967 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, Department of Biophysics
1967 - 1969 Research Assistant MRC Group (Microbial Structure & Function)
1964 - 1967 ICI Research Fellowship (University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire)
1964 PhD (Wales) (University College of South Wales & Monmouthshire)
1961 BSc (Biochemistry, 1st Class Hons) (Sheffield University)
MBE in the 2024 King's Birthday Honours
Lifetime award: British Society of Protozoology
Lifetime award: International Society of Protistology
Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales