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1. A Hand Microtome.  The Microscope 11, 96 (1957).


2. The Slide Dispenser.  The Microscope 11, 183 (1957).


 3. The presence of isocitrate lyase in Prototheca zopfii.  A. G. Callely & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 88, 18P (1963).


 4. Growth of Prototheca zopfii on propionate.  D. Lloyd & A. G. Callely.  Fed. Europe Biochem. Soc. 2nd Meeting, Vienna, A 68 (1965).


 5. The cell wall of Prototheca zopfii.  G. Turner & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 99, 56P (1966).


 6. Propionate metabolism in Aspergillus glaucus.  S. Richards & D. Lloyd.  Biochem J. 99, 56P (1966).


 7. Mitochondria from Polytomella caeca.  D. A. Evans & D. Lloyd.  J. Protozool. 13 Suppl. 119 (1966).


 8. Inducible enzymes in mitochondria of Polytomella caeca.  D. A. Evans & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 103, 21-22P (1967).


 9. The effect of chloramphenicol on Polytomella caeca.  D. A. Evans & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 103, 21P (1967).


10. Metabolic changes during the encystment of Hartmanella castellanii.  A. J. Griffiths, D. Lloyd, G. Roach & D. E. Hughes.  Biochem. J. 103, 21P (1967).


11. Adaptive formation of phosphorylation coupled oxidations in Polytomella caeca.  D. A. Evans & D. Lloyd.  Fed. Europ. Biochem. Soc., Prague.  Proc. A 820 (1968).


12. Electron transport in the flagellate, Polytomella caeca.  D. Lloyd & D. A. Evans.  Fed Europe. Biochem. Soc. A 821 (1968).


13. The mitochondria of Tetrahymena pyriformis strain TS.  G. Turner & D. Lloyd.  Fed. Europ. Biochem. Soc., Prague.  Proc. A 822 (1968).


14. Subcellular fractionation of Tetrahymena pyriformis by zonal centrifugation: changes in enzyme distribution during the growth cycle.  R. Brightwell, D. Lloyd, G. Turner & S. E. Venables.  Biochem. J. 109, 42P (1968).


15. Subcellular fractionation of Polytomella caeca by zonal centrifugation.  R. Cooper, M. G. Jones, S. E. Venables & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 114, 65P.


16. The electron transport chain of Tetrahymena pyriformis strain ST.  G. Turner, D. Lloyd & B. Chance.  Biochem. J. 114, 91P (1969).


17. Subcellular fractionation of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis by zonal centrifugation.  T. G. Cartledge, J. Burnett, R. Brightwell & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 115, 56P (1970).


18. Enzyme distributions in an amoeba during encystment.  S. M. Bowen, A. J. Griffiths & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 115, 41P (1970).

19. The effect of growth with chloramphenicol on the mitochondria of Tetrahymena pyriformis strain ST.  G. Turner & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 116, 41P (1970).


20. Subcellular fractionation of aerobically grown Saccharomyces carlsbergensis by zonal centrifugation.  T. G. Cartledge, L. Howells & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 116, 26P (1970).


21. Subcellular fractionation of aerobically grown Saccharomyces carlsbergensis by zonal centrifugation.  T. G. Cartledge, L. Howells & D. Lloyd.  Biochem. J. 116, 40P (1970).


22. Changes in subcellular distribution during respiratory adaptation of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis.  D. Lloyd, L. Howells & T. G. Cartledge.  Biochem. J. 116, 25P (1970).


23. A model for the control of mitochondrial biogenesis in Tetrahymena, based on the effect of chloramphenicol and the behaviour of mitochondria in synchronised cultures.  D. Lloyd, G. Turner, R. K. Poole, W. G. Nicholl, W. T. Coakley & G. I. Roach.  FEBS, abstract A 716, Varna (1971).


24. Terminal oxidases of Tetrahymena pyriformis.  D. Lloyd & B. Chance.  J. Protozool.  A. 19 Suppl. 136 (1972).


25. Oxygen uptake and activity of respiratory enzymes in synchronous cultures of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.  R. K. Poole & D. Lloyd.  Fed. Europ. Biochem. Soc, Amsterdam, Proc. A 597 (1972).


26. Cyanide-insensitive respiration in A.castellanii.  S. W. Edwards & D. Lloyd.  11th FEBS Meeting, Copenhagen, Abstract No. 307 (1977).


27. Changes in respiratory activities of Acanthamoeba castellanii in exponential and synchronous cultures.  S. W. Edwards, A. H. Chagla, A. J. Griffiths & D. Lloyd.  Vth Int. Congress of Protozoology, New York, 1977.


28. Oscillatory energy production and utilisation coupled to discontinuous macromolecular synthesis (periodic turnover) in the cell cycle of Acanthamoeba castellanii.  S. W. Edwards & D. Lloyd.  Soc. Gen. Mic. Quarterly 6, 23 (1978).


29. Changes in pool sizes of adenine nucleotides and ATPase in starved and synchronous cultures of Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972 h-.  G. H. El'Khayat & D. Lloyd.  VI Int. Specialised Symp. on Yeast, Montpellier S112 (1978).


30. Oscillations in energy-yielding and energy-requiring reactions during the growth of synchronous cultures of protozoa and yeast lie in the epigenetic time domain.  D. Lloyd & S. W. Edwards.  Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 84, 417 (1980).


31. Structure, function and biogenesis and genetics of mitochondria.  D. Lloyd & G. Turner.  Soc. Gen. Mic. Quarterly 7(2), 60-61 (1980).


32. Oscillatory expression of mitochondrial activities and components during the cell cycle of Acanthamoeba castellanii is coupled to a clock.  D. Lloyd & S. W. Edwards.  Soc. Gen. Mic. Quarterly 8, 25 (1980).


33. Hydrogenosomes of the rumen protozoon Dasytricha ruminantium Schuberg.  N. Yarlett, A. G. Williams & D. Lloyd.  Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Quarterly 8, 130 (1981).


34. Respiration of Tritrichomonas foetus.  D. Lloyd, T. Ohnishi, D. G. Lindmark & M. Muller.  Int. Symp. Trichomoniasis Abstract, Bialystock, Poland (1981).


35. The cellular clock in Acanthamoeba castllanii.  D. Lloyd & S. W. Edwards.  VI Int. Congress of Protozoology, Abstract 221, Warsaw (1981).


36. Hydrogenosomes of the rumen protozoon Dasytricha ruminantium Schuberg.  N. Yarlett, D. Lloyd & A. G. Williams.  VI Int. Congress of Protozoology, Abstract 397, Warsaw (1981).


37. Temperature-compensated epigenetic oscillations: timing of cell division cycles and circadian rhythms?  D. Lloyd & S. W. Edwards.  In: Phenomenes Non-Lineares de la Dynamique Chimique.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1982).


38. Control of mitochondrial development in Acanthamoeba castellanii by an epigenetic oscillator with clock-like properties.  D. Lloyd, S. W. Edwards, J. L. Williams & J. B. Evans.  2nd Europ. Bioenergetics Congress, Lyon (1982).


39. Hydrogenosomes in entodiniomorphs.  N. Yarlett, A. G. Williams, G. Coleman & D. Lloyd.  Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Quarterly 4(3), 125 (1982).


40. The presence of oxygen in rumen liquor and mass spectrometric determinations of its effects on methanogenesis.  Scott, R. I., Yarlett, N., Hillman, K., Williams, T. N., Williams, A. G. & Lloyd, D.  Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Quarterly 10, M19 (1983).


41. Photochemical action spectra of terminal oxidases of some lower eukaryotes determined using a liquid dye laser.  Scott, R. I. & Lloyd, D.  Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Quarterly 10, M19 (1983).


42. Similarities between rumen ciliates and trichomonads: both possess hydrogenosomes.  Lloyd, D., Williams, A. G., Yarlett, N. & Hillman, K.  Protistologica 19 465 (1983).


43. The effect of oxygen on hydrogen production by rumen holotrich protozoa as determined by using membrane inlet mass spectrometry.  Hillman, K., Lloyd, D., Scott, R. I. & Williams, A. G.  Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Quarterly.


44. Mass spectrometric determinations of the effect of oxygen on methanogenesis: Inhibition or stimulation?  Scott, R. I., Williams, T. N., Whitmore, T. N. & Lloyd, D.  Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Quarterly.


45. Denitrification in Paracoccus denitrificans studied by membrane inlet mass spectrometry.  Davies, K. J. P. & Lloyd, D.  Poster: Gas Enzymology Meeting, Odense, Denmark (1984).


46. Oxygen effects in Trichomonas vaginalis ATCC 30001 and metronidazole-resistant isolates.  Yarlett, N., Yarlett, N. C. & Lloyd, D.  Poster: Gas Enzymology Meeting, Odense, Denmark (1984).


47. A temperature-compensated epigenetic oscillator with an hourly period provides time-keeping for the cell cycle and possibly also for circadian-controlled phenomena.  In: Temporal Order, pp. 323-324.  Eds. Rensing, L. & Jaeger, N. I.  Springer, Berlin.  D. Lloyd & S. W. Edwards (1985).


48. Metronidazole radical-anion generation and inhibition of H2 production in drug-sensitive and resistant strains of Trichomonas vaginalis.  D. Lloyd, J. Z. Pedersen & B. Kristensen.  VII Int. Cong. Protozool. Abs. Prague (1985).


49. Metronidazole-resistant clinical isolates of Trichomonas vaginalis have lowered O2 affinities.  N. Yarlett, N. C. Yarlett & D. Lloyd.  VII Int. Cong. Protozool. Abs. Prague (1985).


50. Glucose metabolism by Trichomonas vaginalis: an in vivo C13 nuclear magnetic resonance study.  A. Chapman, J. Williams, D. Linstead & D. Lloyd.  VII Int. Cong. Protozool. Abs. Prague (1985).


51. Iron-sulphur centres in hydrogenosomes from Trichomonas vaginalis.  A. Chapman, R. Cammack, D. Linstead & D. Lloyd.  VII Int. Cong. Protozool. Abs. Prague (1985).


52. Bioactivation and drug reduction.  Chairman's Summary.  D. Lloyd.  Biochem. Pharmacol. 35, 65 (1985).


53. Temperature-compensated hourly rhythms in lower eukaryotes indicate timing for cell division and perhaps circadian events.  D. Lloyd & S. W. Edwards.  Chronobiologia 12, 257 (1985).


54. Comparative studies of methanogenesis in thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic digesters using membrane inlet mass spectrometry.  T. N. Whitmore, M. Lazzari & D. Lloyd.  Abs. 4th Int. Symp. An. Digestion.  China, Nov. 1985.


55. Mass spectrometric control of the anaerobic digestion process based on levels of dissolved hydrogen.  T. N. Whitmore, G. Jones & D. Lloyd.  Abs. 4th Int. Symp. An. Digestion, China, Nov. 1985.


56. Ultradian rhythms in lower eukaryotes - timers for cell cycles.  IInd Eur. Meeting Soc. Chronobiology, Marburg, 1968A.  J. Interdisc. Cycle Res. 16, 283 (1986).


57. Temperature-compensated ultradian rhythms in lower eukaryotes indicate timing for cell division and perhaps circadian events.  D. Lloyd & S. W. Edwards (Abs.).  J. Interdisc. Cycle Res. 17, 145-146 (1986).


58. Simultaneous measurement by mass spectrometry of several gases in sediment systems.  D. Lloyd, J. Hodges, K. J. P. Davies & L. Boddy.  Abst. of the IVth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, p.96 (1986).


59. The Biology of Cell Reproduction by R. Baserga (Book Review), D. Lloyd.  Bioscience 36, 488-489.


60. Portable mass spectrometry: a potentially useful tool for simultaneous measurement of several gases in situ in soil.  L. Boddy, K. J. P. Davies & D. Lloyd.  Abst Inst. Terrest. Ecol., December 1986.


61. Methanogenesis in the rumen: mass spectrometric monitoring.  D. Lloyd, A. G. Williams, T. N. Whitmore & K. Hillman.  In: Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnological Process Analysis and Control.  Abstract.


62. Methanogenesis in mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digesters - monitoring and control based on dissolved hydrogen.  In: Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnological Process Analysis and Control.  Abstract, 22.  Lloyd, D., Whitmore, T., Jones, G. & Lazzari, M.


63. Simultaneous measurement by mass spectrometry of several gases in sediment systems.  D. Lloyd, J. Hodges, K. J. P. Davies and L. Boddy.  In: Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnological Process Analysis and Control.  Abstract 18.


64. The ultradian clock times cell cycles in some lower eukaryotes.  D. Lloyd and F. Kippert.  Non-linear Phenomenon in Biology, Abstract 15, Dortmund, March 1987.


65. Ultradian rhythms in lower eukaryotes: outputs of a timer for intracellular processes including cell division.  D. Lloyd and F. Kippert.  Division and Segregation of Organelles.  Abstract.  Soc. Exp. Biol. York, March 1987.


66. Temporal aspects of ultradian phenomena in lower eukaryotes.  D. Lloyd.  Abstract, Brit. Soc. Chronobiol., Roehampton, April 1987.


67. The production of H2O and O·- by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and Ascaridia galli.  T. A. Paget, N. Fry and D. Lloyd.  Brit. Soc. Protozool. Abstract 44P, Edinburgh, March 1987.


68. Hydrogen production by rumen holotrich protozoa: effects of oxygen and implications for metabolic control by in situ conditions.  D. Lloyd, K. Hillman & A. G. Williams.  J. Protozool. Abstract 21, Univ. Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 1987.


69. Temperature-compensated ultradian clocks time protozoan cell cycles. D. Lloyd and F. Kippert.  Chronobiologia 14, 197 (1987).


70. Ultradian rhythms: internal timekeeping in lower eukaryotes.  D. Lloyd, S. W. Edwards, H. Jenkins, A. J. Griffiths.  Bull. du Group d'Etudes des Rhythms Biologiques 20 (1), 10 (1988).


71. The effects of various headspace gases on the production of volatile fatty acids by rumen protozoa.  K. Hillman, A. G. Williams, D. Lloyd.  Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Scottish Branch Meeting, Abstract, Aberdeen 1988.


72. Oxygen and "anaerobic" protozoa.  D. Lloyd, N. Yarlett, K. Hillman, T. A. Paget, A. Chapman, J. E. Ellis & A. G. Williams.  J. Protozoology (1989).


73. Protozool contribution to ruminal oxygen utilization.  J. E. Ellis, D. Lloyd & A. G. Williams.  J. Protozoology (1989).


74. Oxygen kinetics of respiration and effects of respiratory inhibition on Giardia muris cysts and trophozoites and G.lambia trophozoites.  T. A. Paget, D. Lloyd, E. L. Jarroll, P. Manning & D. G. Lindmark.  J. Protozoology (1989).


75. Effects of growth with reducing agents on the metabolism and morphology of Trichomonas vaginalis CINIH.  T. A. Paget & D. Lloyd.  J. Protozoology (1989).


76. Book Review: Cytochrome Systems: Molecular Biology and Bioenergetics (Papa, S., Chance, B. & Ernster, L.) 805 pp.  Plenum 1987.  The Biologist (1989).


77. Book Review: Physiological Models in Microbiology Vols I and II.  (Bazin, M. J. & Prosser, J. I., eds.).  CRS Press, 1988.  J. Med. Microbiol. (1989).


78. Aerobic denitrification in an estuarine sediment and in pure cultures of bacteria.  D. Lloyd, K. J. P. Davies & L. Boddy.  Abst. Welsh Soils Discussion Group, Welsh Plant Breeding Station, March 8 (1989).


79. Aerobic denitrification in Paracoccus denitrificans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and in an estuarine sediment studied by membrane inlet mass spectrometry.  D. Lloyd, K. J. P. Davies & L. Boddy.  Abst. International Workshop on Denitrification in Soil Rhizosphere and Aguifer.  Giessen.  March 17-19 (1989).


80. Role of hydrogen in the growth of mutualistic methanogenic cocultures.  J. Benstead, D. A. Archer & D. Lloyd.  Abst. Interspecies Hydrogen Transfer.  FEMS Meeting, Marseille, September (1989).


81. The effects of oxygen on carbohydrate metabolism in Giardia lamblia.  T. A. Paget, M. Raynor D. W. E. Shipp & D. Lloyd.  Abst. Soc. Gen. Microbiol. Cambridge, April (1989).


82. Effects of various headspace gases on the production of volatile fatty acids by rumen ciliate protozoa.  K. Hillman, D. Lloyd & A. G. Williams.  Abst. Interspecies Hydrogen Transfer.  FEMS Meeting, Marseille, September (1989).


83. Ruminal interspecies hydrogen transfer.  J. E. Ellis, A. G. Williams & D. Lloyd.  Abst. Interspecies Hydrogen Transfer.  FEMS Meeting, Marseille, September (1989).


84. Isolation of bioactive peptides from Panagrellus redivivus.  D. Smart, C. M. Preston & D. Lloyd.  Abst. 12 p.  British Soc. Parasitol. Southampton, March (1989).


85. Use of a mass spectrometer for the measurement of dissolved gas concentrations in nematode infected rodent and ovine small intestine.  S. Finney, C. M. Preston & D. Lloyd.  Abst. 24 p.  British Soc. Parasitol. Southampton, March (1989).


86. Hydrogen production by rumen ciliate protozoa.  J. Ellis, K. Hillman, A. G. Williams & D. Lloyd.  Abst. Interspecies Hydrogen Transfer, FEMS Meeting, Marseille, September (1989).


87. Multiparameter flow cytometric analysis of heterogeneous bacterial populations.  R. Allman & D. Lloyd.  Abs. XIV International Meeting of Soc. Analyt. Cytol., Asheville N.C. March 18th (1990).


88. Respiratory activity in cysts of Giardia lamblia.  T. A. Paget, E. L. Jarroll, P Manning, D. G. Manning, D. G. Lindmark & D. Lloyd.  Int. Symp. Parasitology Abs. Paris (1990).


89. New insights into microbial physiology made possible by membrane-inlet mass spectrometry.  Abstract.  All Union Meeting Puschchino, U.S.S.R., October 1990.


90. Monitoring and control of laboratory fermentation processes by membrane-inlet mass spectrometry.  All Union Meeting Pushchino, U.S.S.R., October 1990.


91. A temperature-compensated ultradian clock explains temperature-dependent quantal cell cycle times.  D. Lloyd and F. Kippert.  Poster, NATO Advanced Workshop: Complex Dynamics and Biological Evolution.  Hindsgave Castle, Denmark (August 1990).


92. Quantized cell cycle times: interaction between a relaxation oscillator and ultradian clock pulses. D. Lloyd and E. I. Volkov.  Poster, NATO Advanced Workshop: Complex Dynamics and Biological Evolution.  Hindsgave Castle, Denmark (August 1990).


93. A temperature-compensated ultradian clock explains temperature-dependent quantal cell cycle times.  D. Lloyd and F. Kippert.  Poster, NATO Advanced Workshop: Complex Dynamics and Biological Evolution.  Hindsgav Castle, Denmark Abstract Book p.5 (August 1990).


94. Quantized cell cycle times: interaction between a relaxation oscillator and ultradian clock pulses.  D. Lloyd and E. I. Volkov.  Poster, NATO Advanced Workshop: Complex Dynamics and Biological Evolution.  Hindsgav Castle, Denmark Abstract Book p.22 (August 1990).


95. An immunological comparison of the hydrogenosomal polypeptides from Tritrichomonas foetus and four species of rumen ciliate protozoa.  J. E. Ellis, D. G. Lindmark, A. G. Williams and D. Lloyd.  Soc. Parasitol. Liverpool (1991).


96. Effects of O2 and CO2 on the carbohydrate metabolism of Trichostrongylus colubriformis.  S. Finney, C. M. Preston-Meek & D. Lloyd.  Brit. Soc. Parasitol. Liverpool (April 1991).


97. The ultradian clock of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is involved in the timing of both S phase and mitosis.  F. Kippert and D. Lloyd.  Yeast Group Meeting, UMIST (April 1991).


98. Book review: Metazoan Life Without Oxygen, edited by Christopher Bryant.  Chapman & Hall, 1991.  D. Lloyd, Parasitol. Today (1991).


99. Membrane inlet mass spectrometry probing the rumen ecosystem.  D. Lloyd, J. E. Ellis, K. Hillman & A. G. Williams.  J. Appl. Bact.


100. Effects of alcohols on the respiration and fermentation of aerated baker's yeast.  H. N. Carlsen, H. Degn and D. Lloyd.  15th Spec. Yeast Symp. Riga, 1991.


101. Review of "Physiology of Biodegradative Microorgansims" (ed. C. Ratledge) in Outlook on Agriculture.  D. Lloyd.


102. Intracellular timekeeping: epigenetic oscillations reveal functions of an ultradian clock in lower eukaryotes.  Two decades of research 1971-1991.  D. Lloyd, L. John, R. K. Poole, A. H. Chagla, C. Edwards, M. Statham, C. Phillips, J. Kader, J. Williams, G. El'Khayat, J. B. Evans, S. J. Jenkins, S. W. Edwards, C. Woffendin, H. Jenkins, F. Kippert and A. J. Griffiths.  Abstract Gordon Conference Irsee, 1991.


103. Yeast mutants as a tool in molecular chronobiology.  F. Kippert, W. Engelmann, D. Lloyd & H. Ninnemann.  Abstract Gordon Conference, Irsee, 1991.


104. The ultradian clock interacts with the mitotic oscillator to give dispersed and quantized cell cycle times.  Noisy or chaotic trajectories?  D. Lloyd, A. L. Lloyd, L. F. Olsen.  Abstract Gordon Conference Irsee, 1991.


105. A temperature-compensated ultradian clock is involved in cell cycle control in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.  F. Kippert and D. Lloyd.  Abstract Irsee Gordon Conference, 1991.


106. Oxygen affinities of clinical isolates of Giardia lamblia.  J. E. Ellis, J. M. Wingfield, D. Cole, R. Campbell, P. F. L. Boreham & D. Lloyd.  May 1992.  American Soc. Microbiol.  New Orleans.


107. Evolution of biological oscillators rhythms and clocks.  D. Lloyd.  3rd Meeting Soc. Res. Biol. Rhythms, Jacksonville F.A.  May 1992.


108. Yeast cdc mutants as a tool in molecular chronobiology.  F. Kippert, W. Engelmann & D. Lloyd.  SGM Meeting, Cardiff, April 1992.


109. The Ultradian Clock interacts with the mitotic oscillator to give dispensed and quantized cell cycle times.  Noisy or chaotic trajectories?  D. Lloyd, A. L. Lloyd, L. F. Olsen & E. I. Volkov.  SGM Meeting Cardiff, April 1992.


110. Effect of growth with ethanol on the ethanol inhibitor of fermentation and membrane fluidity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  D. Lloyd, S. Morrell, H. Carlsen, H. Degn, P. James & C. Rowlands.  British Yeast Group Meeting Cardiff, April 1992.


111. Anti-depressant drugs with effects on the human circadian system also lengthen the period of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe ultradian clock.  F. Kippert, S. Diebold, K. Feil, W. Engelmann & D. Lloyd.  British Yeast Group Meeting Cardiff, April 1992.


112. Influence of oxygen on the fermentative metabolism of metronidazole-sensitive and resistant strains of Trichomonas vaginalis.  J. E. Ellis, D. Cole and D. Lloyd.  1st Europ. Congress Protozool., Reading, April 1992.  Eur. J. Protistol. 28, 338, Abst. 38.


113. Oxygen protection mechanisms employed by metronidazole-sensitive and resistant strains of Trichomonas vaginalis.  J. E. Ellis, D. Cole, M. J. Humphreys and D. Lloyd.  1st Europ. Congress Protozoology, Reading 1992.  Eur. J. Protistol. 28, 338, Abst. 39.


114. Determination of the viability of Trichomonas vaginalis using flow cytometry.  M. J. Humphreys, R. Allman & D. Lloyd.  1st Europ. Cong. Protozool., Reading 1992.  Abst.


115. Gas metabolism of methanogenic bacteria in pure and mixed culture.  J. Benstead, D. B. Archer & D. Lloyd.  Abs. Wind River Conference on Genetic Exchange, Colorado, June 1992.


116. A preliminary characterization of the iron-sulphur proteins of Giardia lamblia.  J. E. Ellis, R. Williams, R. Cammack & D. Lloyd.  Iron Sulphur Protein Meeting, King's College London, May 1992.


117. The Cell Cycle: Chaotic or noisy trajectories.  D. Lloyd, A. L. Lloyd, L. F. Olsen, E. I. Volkov.  Future Directions of Non-linear Dynamics in Physics and Biology.  NATO Workshop Lyngby, Denmark, July 1992.


118. Book Review: The Rumen Protozoa (A. G. Williams & G. S. Coleman, Springer Verlag 1991, pp. 441 + xii).  In: Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7, 353-354 (1992).


119. Temperature-induced increases in desaturase activity in Acanthamoeba castellanii.  A. L. Jones, A. C. Hann, D. Lloyd & J. Harwood.  Soc. Exptl. Biol., Cambridge, August 1992.


120. Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutants; tools for molecular chronobiology.  F. Kippert, D. Lloyd, W. Engelmann and H. Ninnemann.  Abs.  Leicester, September 1992.  EMBO Molecular Chronobiology Workshop.


121. Giardia duodenalis: growth of Trophozoites in complex media using precursors of cysteine biosynthesis with the thiol-reducing agent mercap to succinate.  J. E. Ellis, T. A. Paget, D. Cole, S. L. Erlandsen and D. Lloyd.  Giardia, from Molecules to Disease and Beyond, Freemantle, W.A., Nov. 1992.


122. The ultradian clock: timer control of the cell cycle of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.  D. Lloyd and F. Kippert, Abst.  Intl. Symp. of Contemporary Genetics, Bombay, January 1993.


123. Principles and general microbiological applications of flow cytometry.  D. Lloyd, R. Allman, D. Mason, M. Humphreys and Ricard Lopez, J. Appl. Bact. 75, Suppl. Abst. (viii), Nottingham, July 1993.


124. Flow cytometric estimation of bacterial antibiotic susceptibility.  D. J. Mason, R. Lopez, R. Allman, M. Stark and D. Lloyd.  J. Appl. Bact. 75 Suppl. Abst. 2 (xviii), Nottingham, 1993.


125. Determination of the viability of Trichomonas vaginalis using flow cytometry.  M. J. Humphreys, R. Allman and D. Lloyd.  J. Appl. Bact. 75 Suppl. Abs. 5 (xix), Nottingham, 1993.


126. Membrane potential studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during cider fermentation.  G. Dinsdale, D. Lloyd and B. Jarvis.  J. Appl. Bact. 75 Suppl. Abs. 17 (xxii), Nottingham, 1993.


127. Book Review: Adv. in Microbial Ecology (ed. K. C. Marshall) 522 pp., New York, Plenum.  D. Lloyd in J. Appl. Bact.


128. Hypothesis: a controlled chaotic attractor constitutes the central oscillator of the circadian clock.  Europ. Meeting of Soc. of Chronobiologists (GERB) Paris, May, 1993.


129. Hypothesis: a controlled chaotic attractor constitutes the central oscillator of the circadian clock.  IX European Soc. of Chronobiologists, Bath, September, 1993.


130. The micro-ecology of aerobic denitrification in an estuarine sediment.  K. Thomas and D. Lloyd.  S.G. Microbiol. Cambridge, 1994.


131. Mass spectrometric monitoring of gases in soils and sediments.  D. Lloyd, J. Benstead, K. Thomas and D. Price.  S. G. Microbiol. Cambridge, 1994.


132. Bioenergetics of Giardia and Trichomonads.  D. Lloyd, T. Paget, J. Ellis, R. Williams, M. Humphreys, R. Cammack.  British Soc. Parasitol. 30th April, 1994.  Abs. 109.


133. Controlled chaos provides homeodynamics in living systems.  16th Intl. Congress Biochem., Delhi, Sept. 19-22, 1994.


133a. Lipid adaptation in A.castellanii.  Abs. BS10/18p.96.  IUB 7th Int. Cong. Bact. and Appl. Micro. July 1994, Prague.  S. Avery, J. L. Harwood and D. Lloyd.


134. Continental shelf avalanches as methane clatherate source.  M. K. Wallis, D. Lloyd and S. Wakefield.  3rd Int. Conf. Gas in Marine Sediments.  Texel, The Netherlands, September 1994.


135. A membrane inlet mass spectrometric probe provides direct and minimally-invasive measurements of gases in soils and sediments.  D. Lloyd, J. Benstead, K. L. Thomas, D. Price, N. Williams and K. Analytical Chemistry in Microbiology, Knoxville, TN USA, March 1995.


136. Book Review: Tracing the History of Eukaryotic Cells.  The Enigmatic Smile.  B. Dexter Dyer and R. A. Obar.  259 pp. ISBN 0231 075936, Columbia University Press.  In: The Biologist, 41, 219, ISSN 0006-3347 (1994).


137. Book Review: Networks and Chaos - Statistical and Probabilistic Aspects (Eds. O. E. Barndorff-Nielsen, J. L. Jensen and W. S. Kendall.  Chapman & Hall, London (1993).  In: Binary. 6 (5), 155 (1994)


138. Hydrogenosomes in trichomonads are calcium stores and have a transmembrane potential.  M. Humphreys, J. Ralphs, L. Durrant and D. Lloyd.  Scanning 16, 351 (1994).


139. Studies on the bacterial endosymbionts of anaerobic protozoa using fluorescently-labelled rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes.  D. Lloyd, J. Ralphs, A. G. Williams, R. Amann.  Scanning 16, 351 (1994).


140. Book Review: The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms.  Mae‑Wan Ho.  World Scientific, Singapore.  In: Binary 6, 188 (1994).


141. Book Review: Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry by K. Wilson and J. Walker.  CUP.  In: Microbiol. Europe. 3, 25 (1995).


142. Book Review: Coping with Chaos.  Ed. E. Ott, T. Sauer and J. Yorke.  Wiley.  In: Binary. 7, 7 (1995).


143. Book Review: In the Wake of Chaos.  S. H. Kellert.  University of Chicago Press.  In: Binary.  7, 7 (1995)


144. Mass spectrometer analysis of CH4 and CO2 in peat bogs.  K. L. Thomas, D. Lloyd, J. Benstead and K. Davies.  Abst.  Knoxville TN, March 1995.


145. Microecology of aerobic denitrification in an estuarine sediment.  K. L. Thomas and D. Lloyd.  Abst.  Knoxville TN, March 1995.


146. Book Review: Methanogenesis: Ecology, Physiology and Genetics.  Ed. J. G. Ferry.  Chapman and Hall, N.Y. (1996).  In: J. Thermal Biol.


147. Mass spectrometry of denitrification in estuarine sediment.  K. L. Thomas and D. Lloyd.  Abst.  SGM Bath, April 1995.


148. Lithium affects the ultradian clock of S.pombe.  T. Courtney, R. Reinecke, F. Kippert, S. V. Avery and D. Lloyd.  Abst. SGM Bath, April 1995.


149. Mass spectrometric analysis of CH4 and CO2 in peat bogs.  K. L. Thomas, D. Lloyd, J. Benstead and K. Davies.  Abst. SGM Bath, April 1995.


150. Archaea and Bacteria: Endobionts in rumen protozoa.  D. Lloyd, A. G. Williams, R. Amann, A. J. Hayes, L. Durrant and J. R. Ralphs.  Abst. SGM Bath, April 1995.


151. {

152. { MS Absts. NATO Workshop, Il Ciocco

153. {


154. Membrane potential studies of cider yeast.  M. G. Dinsdale, D. Lloyd and B. Jarvis.  Abst. British Yeast Group, April 1995.


155. Book Review: Practical Flow Cytometry.  3rd Edition by H. Shapiro.  Wiley-Liss, N.Y. (1995).  In: Binary. 7, 125 (1995).


156. Book Review: Synergetics, Chaos, Order, Self-organization.  M. Bushev.  World Scientific, Singapore (1994).  In: Binary. 7, 87 (1995).


157. Ciliate Protozoa: Relationships with bacteria in the rumen.  D. Lloyd and A.G. Williams.  Abst. Sao Paulo, Brazil.  Int. Meeting Microb. Ecol.


158. Membrane potential sensitive dyes as indications of growth perturbation in bacteria.  M. T. E. Suller, A. J. Hayes, J. M. Stark and D. Lloyd.  Abst. Prague "Fluorescent Probes".


159. Foreword to book by Aon and Cortassa.


160. The lethal effects of biguanides on cysts and trophozoites of Acanthamoeba castellanii.  W. Khunkitti, D. Lloyd, J. R. Furr and A. D. Russell.  Abst. Soc. Appl. Bact., Aberdeen, July 1995. J. Appl. Bact. 79, xvii.


161. Ultradian rhythms and chaos control. D. Lloyd. Abst. World Chronobiol. Conference, Ferrara, September 1995.


162. Active O2 in Biochemistry (ed. J.S. Valentine, C.S. Foote, A.Greenberg & J.F. Lieverman, Blackie, The Biochemist.


163. Book Review: Trends in Microbial Ecology (Eds. R. Guerrero and C. Pedrós‑Alió.  University of Barcelona.  In: Microbiology Europe.   4, 24


164. The effects of adherence to silicone surfaces on the physiology of Staphylococcus aureus.  I. Williams, W. A. Venables and D. Lloyd.  Abst. SGM Meeting Aberdeen, September 1995.


165. Correlation between plasma membrane lipid order and phagocytotic activity in Acanthamoeba castellanii.  S. V. Avery, D. Lloyd and J. L. Harwood.  Abst. SGM Meeting Aberdeen, September 1995.


166. Characterisation of phagocytosis in Acanthamoeba castellanii using flow cytometry.  S. V. Avery, J. L. Harwood and D. Lloyd.  Abst. SGM Meeting Aberdeen, September 1995.


167. Book Review: Introduction to Biocatalysis, S.M.Roberts, N.J.Turner, A.J.Willetts & M.K.Turner. Cambridge Univ Press. J.Eukar Biol. (1996).


168. Circadian control of gas production (CO2 and CH4) in a peat bog.  D.Lloyd, K.L. Thomas, J.Benstead, K.L. Davies & S.H. Lloyd. Abst GERB, St Etienne, May 1996.


169. Ultradian clock timekeeping: periodic quasiperiodic and chaotic outputs. Abst GERB. St Etrienne, May 1996.


170. The purification and characterization of ferulate decarboxylase from Brettanomyces anomalous..  D.A.N.Edlin, A.Narbad, J.R. Dickinson & D.Lloyd, FEBS Meeting Barcelona (1996).


171. Effects of Biguanides on Acanthamoeba castellanii measured by flow cytometry and plague essay techniques. W.Khunkitti., D.Lloyd, J.R. Furr & A.D.Russell.  Ann. Soc. Microbiol. Abst B470 New Orleans May, 1996.


172. Hydrogenosomes of Metopus contortus confocal laser scanning microscopic slides.  G.Biagini, M.Suller, A.Hayes, B.J.Finley & D.Lloyd. S.G.M.U. Warwick, April 1996.


173. Silwood Park, April, 1996.

 British Society for Protozoology.


174. The Effect of adherence to silicone surfaces on the physiology of Staph. aureus.  I. Williams, W.A.Venables, D. Lloyd & F. Paul.  8th Int. Symp. Staph & Saphylococcal Infections.


175. A membrane potential sensitive dye Frimethine oxonol, as indicator of growth purturbatic in S. aureus.  M.T.E. Suller, A. J. Hayes, J.M. Stark & D. Lloyd.


176. THES Letter. D. Lloyd.


177. Life from space.  Letter to New Scientist (unpublished).


178. Oxygen-dependent changes in fatty acid composition during low-temp acaptation in Acanthamoeba castellanii.  S.V. Avery, A. J. Rutter, J. L. Harwood & D. Lloyd.  SGM Meeting Essex.  September 1996.


179. Alternative Mitochondive Oxidative Microaerobic Life D. Lloyd  Letter to Nature and Tree (unpublished)


180. O2-dependent of alterations in D12-desaturase inA. codettamii S.V. Avery, A. J. Rutter, J. L. Harwood & D. Lloyd. 97th ASM Florida (Miami Beach)  May 4 - 8th 1997.


181. Methanogensis in an antrotrophic peat bog.  D. Lloyd, K. L. Thomas, J. Benstead, K. L. Davies, K. D. Steple & J. R. M. Arah  Fine TIGER meeting & Atm Env. 1997.


182. Modification of fatty acid metabolism during temp. adaptation J. L. Harwood, A. J. Rutter, A. J. Williams, S. J. Avery & D. Lloyd.  Stess of Life: Int Congress of Stress July 1997


183. Archaea and Bacteria: Endobionts in Rumen Protozoa: A Confocal Laser Scanning Micrscopy Study. D. Lloyd, A. G. Williams, R.Amann, A. J. Hayes, L. Durrant and J. R. Ralphs 10th Int. Cong. Protozool Sydney July 21-25 1997.


184. Anaerobiosis induced Differentiation of Acanthamoeba castellanii  N. A.Turner, G. A. Biagini & D. Lloyd.


185. Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Fermentation in the Free-Living Flagellate Hexmita sp. G. A. Biagini, P. S. McIntyre, J. B. J. Finlay & D. Lloyd.


186. Oxygen Uptake and Antioxidant Responses of the Free-Living Diplomonad Hexamita sp.  G. A. Biagini, M. T. E. Suller, B. J. Finlay & D. Lloyd.


187. A Flow Cytometric Assay for Monitoring Encystation in Acanthamoeba Castellanii. C. D. Connell, A. J. Rutter, M. T. E. Suller, B. Hill & D. Lloyd.


188. Oxygen Homeodynamics in Giardia  D. Lloyd, T. Paget & J. Ellis.  Fut. Chemother. Targets An. Protozoa Brisbon, July 28-30 1997.


189. Oxygen and Trichomonas Vaginalis D. Lloyd, J Ellis and T. Paget.


190. Anaerobiosis induced differentiation of Acanthamoeba castellanii


191. Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Fermentation in the Free-Living Flagellate Hexamita sp.  G. A. Biagini, P. S. McIntyre, B. J. Finlay & D. Lloyd.


192. Oxygen Uptake and Antioxidant Responses of the Free-Living Diplomonad Hexamita sp. G. A. Biagini, M. T. E. Suller, B. J. Finlay & D. Lloyd.


193. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy shows that Hydrogenosomes in Trichomonds are calcium stores and have transmembrane electrochemical potential.  D. Lloyd, M. Humphreys and J. Ralphs


194. Alive or Dead: Using Voltage-Sensitive Dyes to Enable Discrimination of Living Organisms from Inanimate Particles. D. Lloyd & C. Wickramasinghe SPIE San Diego Conference August 1997.


195. The Measurement of Cider Yeast Vitality. D. Lloyd, J. C. Willetts, R. Seward, M. G. Dinsdale, M. T. E. Suller & B. Hill. 1st Yeast Fermentation Performance Congress Oxford September 1997.


196. The measurement of gases in sediments from Cardiff Bay.  Cowie, G. & Lloyd, D. Halifax N.S. August 1998.


197. N2O and N2 & O2 _____ in a ______ estuary salt marsh sediment.  Cartaxana, P. & Lloyd, D. Halifax N. S. August 1998.


198. NO+ but not Noo effect the respiratory oscillation in continuous cultures of yeast.


199. Restoration of the River Pelonna.  Berry, A., Davies, S. & Lloyd, D. Bioremediation. Cardiff, April 1998


200. Flagellatel peristic protozoa Giardia intestinalis and Trichomonas vaginalis show dose dependent inhibition in the presence of Garlic (Allium sativum) Harris, J. C., Plummer, S. & Lloyd, D.  Flagellates, Birmingham, Sept 1988.


201 Attachment of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Yeast During Cider Fermentation.  Arthurs, C. E. and Lloyd, D.  ASM Meeting, Chicago (1999).


202. Amino Acid Fermentating in non-starter Lactobacillus spp.  Isolated from Cheddar Cheese.  Tammam, J. D., Williams, A. G. and Lloyd, D. (ibid)


203. Rapid and Sensitive Quantitation of Antibiotics in Fermentations, Plasma and Environmental Samples by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry.  Morgan, J., Joyce-Menekse, M. E., Rowlands, R. T., Gilbert, I. H. and Lloyd, D. (ibid)


204. Yeast characteristics and Identification, 3rd Edition. J. A. Barnett, R. W. Payne, D. Yarrow.  Cambridge University Press. (2000)

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