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Professor Marc Roussel (on sabbatical leave from Lethbridge, Alberta) used membrane inlet mass spectrometry to reveal the strange attractor that underlies the respiratory dynamics of yeast in continuous culture. This required simultaneous monitoring of dissolved H2S, CO2 and O2; 40,000 points at 15s intervals were acquired in a 3 month continuous culture experiment. This is the first unequivocal demonstration of chaotic control in a biological system at whole cell level.


Dr Katey Lemar established mechanisms for the anti-candidal properties of selected garlic components, diallyldisulphide and allyl alcohol produce apoptotic cell death in this organism without being too toxic to humans. This affords a new way of tackling antibiotic resistance; there are no reported incidents of microorganisms becoming resistant to the garlic compounds.


Dr Catrin F. Williams with Neem Biotechnology (Dr. David Williams, Dr. Gareth Evans, Dr. Robert Saunders and Dr, MIchael Graz), Professor Jo Cable and Dr Michael P. Coogan studied the biochemistry and infectivity of the protozoan, Spironucleus vortens towards angelfish, especially sensitivity of the parasite to garlic comstituents. With Professor Adrian Porch (Engineering), Catrin currently studies effects and their mechanisms of 2.45 GHz microwaves on the bioluminescence of the marine bacterium, Vibrio fischeri and on cultured normal and cancerous human cell lines.



Dr Stefanie Scheerer and Dr Francisco Gomez have established a stable continuous culture of Photobacterium fisheri. This can be used as an on-line monitor for toxic compounds (e.g. biocides) in environmental samples including water supplies. Miniaturization will lead to the development of personal protection systems. Effects of microwaves were studied.


Dr Simon Cottrell showed that freeze dried garlic powder is toxic to MRSA, and that synergistic affects in combination with oxycillin may provide a new chemotherapeutic strategy.


Dr Victoria Gray has shown that the morphology of Salmonella typhimurium and poona species is continually dependent on the tyrosine content of the growth medium. Various sources of the peptone used in the complex diagnostic media may be quite unsuitable on account of their tyrosine deficiency. Aflagellate organisms, unrecognisable as the pathogen, result if the medium is unsuitable.


Dr Kristina Harris investigated the effects of difluoro methylornithine on the growth, structure and function of Trichomonas vaginalis. Defective hydrogenosemes are one consequence of this ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor.


Dr Jonathan Wood investigated the application of garlic as an antibacterial specifically against MRSA. Resolution of effects required separation of the main toxic constituents; synergy with penicillin derivatives was researched.


Dr Coralie Millet investigated protozoal fish parasites Hexamita and Spironucleus spp.  Market for viticulture of aquarium fish is $7b/an. Pathogenicity and invasiveness; biodiversity was studied and compared with that of free living species.

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