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Amino acid fermentation in non-starter Lactobacillus spp. Isolated from Cheddar cheese. J. D. Tammam, A. G. Williams, J. Noble and D. Lloyd. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 30, 370-374, (2000).
Emergence of resistance to biocides during differentiation of Acanthamoeba castellanii. N. A. Turner, A. D. Russell, J. R. Furr and D. Lloyd. J. Appl. Microbiol. 46, (2000).
Rapid and Sensitive Quantitation of Antibiotics in Fermentations by Electrospray Mass Spectrometry. Janine Morgan, Miranda E. Joyce-Menekse, Robert T. Rowlands, Ian H. Gilbert and David Lloyd. Rapid Comms 15, 1229-1238 (2000).
‘H-NMR spectroscopic analysis of fuel metabolism in Hexamita inflata during batch growth. G. A. Biagini, G. E. Ball, D. Lloyd & M. R. Edwards. ???? (2000).
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Yeast Vitality During Cider Fermentation: Assessment By Energy Metabolism. Dinsdale, M. G., Lloyd, D., McIntyre, P. & Jarvis, B. Yeast (1999). 15, 285-293.
Involvement of glutathione in the regulation of respiratory oscillations during continuous culture of S.cerevisiae. Murray, D. B., Keuler, M., Englen, F., Lloyd, D. & Kuriyama, H. (1999). Microbiology 145, 2739-2745.
Anoxic function for the E.coli flavohaemoglobin (Hmp): reversible binding of NO and reduction to N2O. Kim, S.O., Orii, Y., Lloyd, D., Hughes, M. N. and Poole, R. K. C. FEBS Lett. 445, 389-394 (1999).
Kinetics, stereospecificity and expression of the malolactic enzyme. C. Authurs and D. Lloyd, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65, 3360-3363 (1999).
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Gas diffusion coefficient profile in peat determined by modelling mass spectrometric data: implications for gas phase distribution. K. D. Stephen, J. R. M. Arah, K. L. Thomas, J Benstead and D. Lloyd. Soil Biol. Biochem (1998) 30, 429-431.
Micro-ecology of peat: minimally invasive analysis using confocal laser scanning microscopy, membrane inlet mass spectrometry and PCR-amplification of methanogen-specific gene sequences. D. Lloyd, K.L. Thomas, A. Hayes, B. Hill, B.A. Hales, C. Edwards, J. R. Saunders, D.A. Ritchie and M. Upton. FEMS Microbial. Ecol. 25, 179-188 (1998).
Diurnal oscillations of gas production and effluxes (CO2 AND CH4) in cores from a peat bog. K.L. Thomas, D. Lloyd, J. Benstead and S.H. Lloyd. Biol. Rhythm Res. 29, 247-259 (1998)
Acanthamoeba castellanii: growth, encystment, excystment and biocide susceptibility. W. Khunkitti, D. Lloyd, J.R. Furr and A. D. Russell. J. Infect. 36, 43-48 (1998).
Biguanide-induced changes in Acanthamoeba castellanii: an electron microscopy study. W. Khunkitti, A. C. Hann, D. Lloyd, J. R. Furr and A. D. Russell. J. Appl. Microbiol 84, 53-62 (1998).
The ultradian clock of S.pombe: timing of cell cycle stages in fast growing cells. F. Kippert and D. Lloyd. J. Cell Sci. submitted
Oscillations of CO2 evolution and medium acidification: metabolism under control of the untradian clock of S.pombe. F. Kippert and D. Lloyd. J. Bact. submitted
Subcellular localization of particulate phosphofructokinase in a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deleted for the soluble enzyme. Z. Lobo, M. T. E. Suller, C. Winters, B. Hill & D. Lloyd. submitted
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Lipids and Lipid Metabolism in the Microaerobic Free-Living Diplomonad Hexamita sp. Biagini, G. A., Rutter, A. J., Finlay, B. J. and Lloyd, D. (1998) Euro. J. Protistolog. 34, 148-152.
Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Fermentation in the Free-Living Primitive Protozoon Hexamita sp.. Biagini, G. A., McIntyre, P. S., Finlay, B. J and Lloyd, D. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64, 203-207 (1998).
Electrospray mass spectrometry for assay of erythromycin A extracted from fermentation liquor.Morgan, J., Rowlands, R. T., Joyce-Menekse, M. E., Gilbert, I. H. & Lloyd, D. (1998). , 435-439.
The search for living cells in stratospheric samples. Narlikar, J. V., Ramadurai, S., Pushpa Bhargava, S. V. Damle, N. C. Wickramasinghe, D. Lloyd & D. H. Wallis, Instru. Meth. Missions for Astrobiol. 3441, (1998).
Fluorescence monitoring of antibiotic-induced bacterial damage using flow cytometry. M. T. E. Suller & D. Lloyd. Cytometry 35, 235-241 (1999).
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Menadione-generated radicals kill Giardia intestinalis trophozoites and cysts. Paget, T., Maroulis, S., Mitchell, A., Edwards, M. R., Jarroll, E L. & Lloyd, D. (1998)
Photosynthesis and gas dynamics in an estuarine sediment: sub-millimeter resolution profiles using membrane inlet mass spectrometry. Cowie, G & Lloyd, D.
Membrane inlet ion trap mass spectrometry for the direct measurement of dissolved gas in ecological samples. Cowie, G & Lloyd, D. J. Microbiol Meth. 25, 1-12.
Protozoan stimulation of anaerobic microbial activity: enhancement of the rate of terminal decomposition of organic matter: Biagini, G. A., Finlay, B. J. & Lloyd, D. FEMS Microb. Ecol. 27, 1-8 (1998),
Aspects of the mechanisms of action of biguanides on trophozoites and cysts of Acanthamoeba castellanii. W. Khunkitti, D. Lloyd , J. R. Furr and A. D. Russell. J. Appl. Bact. 82, 107-114 (1997).
Rapid methylation of cell proteins and lipids in Trypanosoma brucei. B. Goldberg, N. Yarlett, D. Rattendi, D. Lloyd and C. J. Bacchi. Euk. Microbiology 44, 345-351 (1997).
A Flow Cytometric Study of the Antibiotic induced damage and evaluation as a rapid antibiotic susceptibility test for methicillin-resistant Staphyloccocus aureus. M. T. E. Suller and D. Lloyd. Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy. 40, 77-83.
Vitality of cider yeast grown micro-aerobically with added ethanol, n-butanol or iso-butanol. J. C. Willetts, R. Seward, M.G. Dinsdale, M. T. E. Suller, B. Hill & D.Lloyd. J. Inst. Brew 103, 79-84 (1997).
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Effect of adherence to silicone surfaces on antibiotic susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus. I.Williams, W.A.Venables, D.Lloyd, F.Paul and I.Critchley (1997) Microbiology 143, 2407-2413.
The purification and characterisation of ferrulate decarboxylase from Brettanomyces anomalous. D.A.N.Edlin., A.Narbad, J.R.Dickinson., & D.Lloyd. (1998) Enzyme & Microbe Technol. 22, 232-239.
Methanogenesis and CO2 exchange in an ombrotrophic peat bog. D.Lloyd, K.L.Thomas, J.Benstead, K.L.Davies, S.H.Lloyd, J.R.M.Arah and K.D.Stephen Atmospher. Environ. (1998). 31, 3229-3238.Acridine orange as an indication of bacterial susceptibility to gentamycin. D. Mason & D. Lloyd FEMS Microbiol Letters (1997) 153, 199-204.
A flow cytometric assessment of the postantibiotic effect of methicillin on Staphylococcus aureus. M. T. E. Suller, J. M. Stark & D. Lloyd. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. (1998) 42, 1195-1199.
A unique transported of S-adenosylmethionine in African trypanosomes.B. Goldberg, N. Yarlett, J. Sufrin, D. Lloyd and C. J. Bacchi., 256-260 (1997).
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Ca2+ accumulation in the hydrogenosomes of Neocallimastix frontalis L2 ! a mitochondrial-like physiological role. (1997) Biagini, G.A. vander Giezen, M., Hill, B., Winters, C. & Lloyd, D. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 149, 227-232.
Oxygen uptake and antioxidant responses of the free-living diplomonad Hexamita sp. Biagini, G.A., Suller, M.T.E., Finlay, B.J. and Lloyd, D. (1997) J.Euk. Microbiol. 44, 447-453.
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Oxygen and life on Europa. N. C. Wickramasinghe and D. Lloyd. The Observatory (1996).
Eruptions of Comet Hale – Bopp at 6.5AV, N. C. Wickramasinghe, F. Hoyle and D. Lloyd (1996). Astrophys. Space Sci 240, 161-165.
Role of wetland plants in the diurnal control of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes in peat. K. L. Thomas, J. Benstead, K. L. Davies and D. Lloyd. Soil Biol. Biochem. 28, 17-23 (1996).
Intracellular prokaryotes in rumen ciliate protozoa: detection by confocal laser scanning microscopy after in situ hybridization with fluorescent 16S rRNA probes. D. Lloyd, A.G. Williams, R. Amman, A.J.Hayes, L, Durrant and J. R. Ralphs. Europ. J. Protistol (1996). 32, 523-531
Flow cytometric monitoring of rhodamine 123 and cyanine dye uptake by yeast during cider fermentation. D. Lloyd, C. Moran, M.T.E. Suller, M.G. Dinsdale and A.J.Hayes. J.Inst. Brewing. 102, 251-259 (1996).
Obligate anaerobe or not: D. Lloyd Nature, 381, 121 (1996).
Oxygen Dependent Low Temperature n6 (D12)-Desaturase Induction and Alteration of Fatty Acid Composition in Acanthamoeba castellanii. S. V. Avery, J. Rutter, J. L. Harwood and D. Lloyd. Microbiology (1996) 142, 2213-2221.
Molecular data suggest an earlier acquisition of the mitochondrion endosymbiont. D. S. Horner, R. P. Hirt, S. Kilvington, D. Lloyd and T. M. Embley. Proc. Royal Soc B (1996) 263, 1053-1059.
The lethal effects of biguanides on cysts and trophozoites of Acanthamoeba castellanii. W. Khunkitti, D. Lloyd, J. R. Furr and A. D. Russell. J. Appl. Bact. 81, 73-77 (1996).
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Extinction of dinosaurs: a possible novel cause. S. Ramadurai, D. Lloyd, M. Wallis and N. C. Wickramasinghe. Adv. Space Science 15, 139-146 (1995).
The fluorochrome aniline blue specifically stains the septum of both live and fixed Schizosaccharomyces pombe. F. Kippert and D. Lloyd. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 132, 215-219 (1995).
Measurement of denitrification in estuarine sediment using membrane inlet mass spectrometry. K. L. Thomas and D. Lloyd. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 16, 103-114 (1995).
The ability of membrane potential dyes and calcafluor white to distinguish between viable and non-viable bacteria. D. J. Mason, R. Lopez-Amoros, R. Allman, M. Stark and D. Lloyd. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 78, 309-315 (1995).
A temperature-compensated ultradian clock ticks in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. F. Kippert and D. Lloyd. Microbiology 141, 883-890 (1995)
Hydrogenosomes in trichomonads are calcium stores and have a transmembrane electrochemical gradient. M. Humphreys, J. Ralphs, L. Durrant and D. Lloyd. Eur. J. Protistol
Use of two oxonols and a fluorescent tetrazolium dye to monitor starvation of Escherichia coli in seawater by flow cytometry. R. Lopez-Amoros, D. Mason and D. Lloyd. J. Microbiol. Meth. 22, 165-176 (1995).
Quantification and characterization of phagocytosis in the soil amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii by flow cytometry. S. Avery, J. L. Harwood and D. Lloyd. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61, 1124-1132 (1995).
Postprandial variations in endogenous metabolic activities of ovine rumen ciliate protozoa.K. Hillman, A. G. Williams and D. Lloyd (1995). Animal Feed Science and Technology 52 , 237-247 (1995).
Measurement of trace gas fluxes using tunable diode laser spectroscopy [and discussion]. Zahniser, M.S., Nelson, D.D., McManus, J.B., Kebabian, P.K., Lloyd, D. D. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (Lon.) A 351, 371-382
The biotransformation of simple phenolic compounds by Brettanomyces anomalous. D. A. N. Edlin, A. Narbad, J. R. Dickinson and D. Lloyd. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 125, 311-316 (1995).
Chaos: its significance and detection in biology. A. L. Lloyd and D. Lloyd. Biol. Rhythm Res. 26, 233-252 (1995).
Influence of plasma membrane fluidity on phagocytotic activity in Acanthamoeba castellanii. S. V. Avery, D. Lloyd and J. L. Harwood. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 23, 409S (1995).
Characterization of the fatty acid delta 12 desaturase of Acanthamoeba castellanii. A. J. Rutter, D. Lloyd and J. L. Harwood. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 23, S (1995).
Yeast vitality during cider fermentation: two approaches to the measurement of membrane potential. M. G. Dinsdale, D. Lloyd and B. Jarvis. J. Inst. Brewing 101, 453-458 (1995).
Spatial and temporal variations of dissolved gases (CH4, CO2 and O2) in peat cores. J. Benstead and D. Lloyd. Microbial Ecology 31 (1) 57-66 (1995).
Cell cytotoxicity of NaNO2, sodium nitroprusside and Roussin's black salt against Trichomonas vaginalis. J-S. Ryu and D. Lloyd. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 130, 183-188 (1995).
The effects of cocultivation with the acetogen A.ruminis on the fermentative metabolism of the rumen fungi N.patriciarum and N.sp. strain L2. E. M. Rees, D. Lloyd and A. G. Williams. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 133, 175-180 (1995).
A MIMS miniprobe for the direct simultaneous measurement of multiple gas species. D. Lloyd, K. Thomas, D. Price, B. O'Neil, K. Oliver and T. N. Williams. J. Microbiol. Meth. (1996). 25, 145-151.
A comparison of different methods for the measurement of dissolved gas gradients in waterlogged peat cores. K. L. Thomas, D. Price and D. Lloyd. J. Microbiol. Meth. 24, 191-198 (1995).
The effects of ethanol hexan-1-ol and 2-phenylethanol on cider yeast growth viability and energy status: synergistic inhibition. R. Seward, J. C. Willetts, M. G. Dinsdale and D. Lloyd. J. Inst. Brew. (1995). 101, 453-458.
Temperature-dependent changes in plasma membrane order and the phagocytotic activity of the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii are closely correlated. S. V. Avery, D. Lloyd and J. Harwood. Biochem. J. 132, 811-816 (1995).
A controlled chaotic attractor could provide a tuneable oscillator for circadian clocks. D. Lloyd and A. L. Lloyd. Biol. Rhythm Res. 25, 235-240 (1994).
Antioxidant defenses in the microaerophilic protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis: comparison of metronidazole-resistant and sensitive strains. J. E. Ellis, N. Yarlett, D. Cole, M. J. Humphreys and D. Lloyd. Microbiology 140, 2489-2494 (1994).
Direct mass spectrometric measurement of gases in peat cores. J. Benstead and D. Lloyd. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 13, 233-240 (1994).
Growth-dependent changes of 12-desaturase activity and unsaturation of membrane fatty acids in Acanthamoeba castellanii. S. V. Avery, D. Lloyd and J. Harwood. Biochem. Soc. Transactions 22, 200S (1994).
A controlled chaotic attractor could provide a tuneable multioscillator for circadian rhythms. D. Lloyd and A. L. Lloyd. J. Interdiscip. Cycle Res. 24, 231-232 (1994).
Chaos: its detection and significance in biology. A. L. Lloyd and D. Lloyd. Biol. Rhythms Res. (1994). In press.
Determination of the viability of Trichomonas vaginalis using flow cytometry. M. Humphreys, R. Allman and D. Lloyd. Cytometry 15, 343-348 (1994).
Low-temperature induced adaptations in lipid metabolism and physiological function in Acanthamoeba castellanii cultures of different ages. S. V. Avery, J. L. Harwood and D. Lloyd. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 22, 257S (1994).
Studies of the bacterial endosymbionts of "anaerobic" protozoa using fluorescently-labelled rRNA-targetted oligonucleotide probes. D. Lloyd, J. Ralphs, L. Durrant, A. G. Williams and R. Amann. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 22, 323S (1994).
Membrane potential studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during cider fermentation. M. G. Dinsdale, D. Lloyd and G. Jarvis. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 22, 325S (1994).
Hydrogenosomes in Trichomonads are Ca2+ stores and have a transmembrane electrochemical potential. M. Humphreys, J. Ralphs, L. Durrant and D. Lloyd. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 22, 324S (1994).
Low temperature induced adaptations in lipid metabolism and physiological function in Acanthamoeba castellanii cultures of different ages. A. V. Avery, J. L. Harwood and D. Lloyd. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 22, 257S (1994).
Hypothesis: A controlled chaotic attractor times intracellular dynamics. D. Lloyd and A. L. Lloyd. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 22, 322S (1994).
Membrane potential studies of S.cerevisiae during cider fermentation. M. G. Dinsdale, D. Lloyd and B. Jarvis. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 22, 325S (1994).
Changes in membrane fatty acid composition and 12-desaturase activity during growth of Acanthamoeba castellanii in batch culture. S. V. Avery, D. Lloyd and J. L. Harwood. J. Eukaryotic Microbiology 41, 396-401 (1994).
Effects of oxygen, pH and nitrate concentration on denitrification by Pseudomonas species. K. L. Thomas, D. Lloyd and L. Boddy. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 118, 181-186 (1994).
Polypeptides of hydrogenosome-enriched fractions for rumen ciliate protozoa and trichomonads: immunological studies. J. E. Ellis, D. G. Lindmark, A. G. Williams and D. Lloyd. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 117, 211-216 (1994).
Low temperature-induced adaptations in fatty acid metabolism of Acanthamoeba castellanii cultures of different ages: relationship to changes in cell division, oxygen uptake and phagocytic activity. S. V. Avery, J. L. Harwood and D. Lloyd. Microbiology 140, 2423-2431 (1994).
Rapid estimation of bacterial antibiotic susceptibility with flow cytometry. D. J. Mason, R. Allman, J. M. Stark and D. Lloyd. J. Microscopy 176, 8-16 (1994).
Microbiology: Past, Present and Future, (Eds. D. Lloyd, W.A. Venables, J.B. Evans). BioLine, Cardiff, (1994).
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Oxygen affinities of metronidazole-resistant and sensitive stocks of Giardia intestinalis. J. E. Ellis, J. M. Wingfield, D. Cole, P. F. L. Boreham & D. Lloyd. Int. J. Parasitol. 23, 35-39 (1993).
Temperature-induced membrane lipid adaptation in Acanthamoeba castellanii. A. L. Jones, A. C. Hann, J. L. Harwood and D. Lloyd. Biochem. J. 290, 273-278 (1993).
Rapid method for monitoring methanogenic activities in mixed cell culture; effects of inhibitory compounds. J. Benstead, D. B. Archer and D. Lloyd. Biotechnol. Techniques 7, 31-36.
Combined 13C-NMR and mass spectrometry for non-invasive monitoring of metabolism. D. Lloyd, C. J. James, A. Chapman & J. R. Dickinson. Biotechnol. Techniques 6, 81-86 (1993).
Hypothesis: the central oscillator of the circadian clock is a controlled chaotic attractor. A. L. Lloyd and D. Lloyd. BioSystems 29, 77-85 (1993).
Effects of growth with ethanol on fermentation and membrane fluidity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. D. Lloyd, S. Morrell, H. N. Carlsen, H. Degn, P. E. James and C. C. Rowlands. Yeast 9, 825-833 (1993).
An inexpensive infra red growth sensor array for detection of bacterial antibiotic susceptibility. D. J. Mason, A. L. Lloyd and D. Lloyd. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 111, 251-254 (1993).
Electron transport components of the parasitic protozoon Giardia lamblia. J. E. Ellis, R. Williams, D. Cole, R. Cammack and D. Lloyd. FEBS Lett. 325, 196-200 (1993).
Rapid and direct monitoring of volatile fermentation products in the fungus Bjerkandera adusta by membrane inlet mass spectrometry. F. R. Lauritsen, T. Kotiaho and D. Lloyd. Biolog. Mass Spectrom. 22, 585-589 (1993).
Rapid induction of microsomal 12 ( -6) desaturase in chilled Acanthamoeba castellanii. A. L. Jones, D. Lloyd and J. Harwood. Biochem. J. 296, 183-188 (1993).
Flow Cytometry in Microbiology, (Ed. D. Lloyd). Springer Verlag, London, (1993).