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  • Yarlett, N. Jarroll, E.J & Lloyd, D 2022. Protists: single-celled organisms. In (Eds.) Elsevier 

  • Lloyd, D. 2022. Chronobiology of single-celled organisms. In: (Eds ) Elsevier





  • Murray, D.B., Lloyd, D. Multiple rediscoveries and misconceptions; the yeast metabolic oscillator. (2021) Function 2(5), zqab039. Oxford Academic.

  • Lloyd, David. 2021. Oscillations, rhythms and synchronized time bases: the key signatures of life. In A. Stefanovska and P. V. E. McClintock (eds.), Physics of Biological Oscillators, Understanding Complex Systems, pp.225-244. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

  • Lloyd, D., Chapman, A., Ellis, J.E.,Hillman, K., Paget, T.A., Yarlett, N., Williams, A.G.(2021). Oxygen levels are key to understanding "Anaerobic" protozoan pathogens with micro-aerophilic lifestyles. Advances in Microbial Physiology, 79, 163-240.





  • Lloyd, D, Millet, CO, Williams, CF, Hayes, AJ, Pope, SJA, Pope, I, Borri, P, Langbein, W, Olsen, LF, Isaacs, MD & Lunding, A 2020, 'Functional imaging of a model unicell: Spironucleus vortens as an anaerobic but aerotolerant flagellated protist', Advances in Microbial Physiology. vol. 76, 41-79. (10.1016/bs.ampbs.2020.01.002)

  • Gilbert, K., Hammond, K.D, Brodsky, VY & Lloyd, D. 2020. An appreciation of the prescience of Don Gilbert (1930-2011): master of the theory and experimental unraveling of biochemical and cellular oscillatory dynamics. Cell Biology International (10.1002/cbin.11341)

  • Lloyd, D. 2020. Oscillations, rhythms and synchronized timekeepers: key signatures of Life. In (eds. P. McClintock and A. Stefanovska), ’Physics of Biological Oscillations’. London, Nature-Springer, pp.








  • Lloyd, D. and Williams, C. F. 2015. Avoid excessive oxygen levels in experiments with organisms, tissues and cells.. Advances in Microbial Physiology 67, pp. 293--314. (10.1016/bs.ampbs.2015.09.001)

  • Stacey, O. al. 2015. Water soluble, cyclometalated Pt(II)–Ln(III) conjugates towards novel bimodal imaging agents. Chemical Communications 51(61), pp. 12305-12308. (10.1039/C5CC02623G)

  • Langdon-Jones, E. al. 2015. Alkynyl-naphthalimide fluorophores: gold coordination chemistry and cellular imaging applications. Inorganic Chemistry 54(13), pp. 6606-6615., article number: 150618152106000. (10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b00954)

  • Lloyd, D. and Williams, C. F. 2015. New tunes from the heart. Biophysical Journal 108(8), pp. 1841-1842. (10.1016/j.bpj.2015.01.041)

  • Lloyd, D. 2015. Alfred Russel Wallace: Self-educated genius and polymath. In: Luttge, U. and Beyschlag, W. eds. Progress in Botany., Vol. 76. Springer, pp. 43--74., (10.1007/978-3-319-08807-5_2)

  • Lloyd, al. 2015. Motility of the diplomonad fish parasite Spironucleus vortens through thixotropic solid media. Microbiology 161(1), pp. 213-218. (10.1099/mic.0.082529-0)



  • Lloyd, D. 2014. Encystment in Acanthamoeba castellanii: a review. Experimental Parasitology 145, pp. 20-27. (10.1016/j.exppara.2014.03.026)

  • Lloyd, D. and Williams, C. F. 2014. Comparative biochemistry of Giardia, Hexamita and Spironucleus: Enigmatic diplomonads. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 197(1-2), pp. 43-49. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2014.10.002)

  • Williams, C. al. 2014. Antioxidant defences of Spironucleus vortens: Glutathione is the major non-protein thiol. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 196(1), pp. 45-52. (10.1016/j.molbiopara.2014.07.010)

  • Langdon-Jones, E. al. 2014. Fluorescent Rhenium-Naphthalimide conjugates as cellular imaging agents. Inorganic Chemistry 53(7), pp. 3788-3797. (10.1021/ic500142z)

  • Lloyd, al. 2014. Intracellular oxygen: similar results from two methods of measurement using Phosphorescent nanoparticles. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 7(2), article number: 1350041. (10.1142/S1793545813500417)

  • Aon, M. A., Lloyd, D. and Saks, V. 2014. From physiology, genomes, systems, and self-organization to systems biology: the historical roots of a twenty-first century approach to complexity. In: Aon, M. A., Saks, V. and Schlattner, U. eds. Systems Biology of Metabolic and Signaling Networks: Energy, Mass and Information Transfer., Vol. 16. Springer Series in Biophysics Springer, pp. 3-17., (10.1007/978-3-642-38505-6_1)

  • Puk, K., Guz, L. and Lloyd, D. 2014. Effects of medical plant extracts on the growth of the fish parasite Spironucleus vortens. Medycyna weterynaryjna 70(3), pp. 165-168.










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